第六十四章 爱琴海(上)


  “The next morning, the palace of the female officers found that the king is gone, but they laughed, walked away like nothing happened.


  Just like what they think and hope, where the king came to the piano. His wonderful performance, under the lead of the beside Athena kind of olive saw the admiration of the young girl.

  就像她们所想的和期望的一样,国王来到了琴所在的地方。他在美妙琴声的引领下,在雅典娜种的橄榄旁见到了倾慕的姑娘。The breeze frivolous her delicate face, nightingale standing in her shoulder accompanied her singing, bursts of flowers wrapped in her fingertips as allocated with music notes.

  微风轻浮着她细致的脸庞,夜莺站在她的肩头陪她歌唱,阵阵花香缠绕在她的指尖随着拨出的音符飘向远方。Jean suddenly feel the hot heat the surrounding light. She look up, to meet is better than the sky, more than the deep sea dazzle the eyes. At that time, their eyes only each other, at the same time, ignore them in all directions.琴忽然觉得有股炽热的光线烧热了四周。她抬头望去,迎向了比天空更美、比深海更炫的目光。一时间,他们的眼中只有彼此,同时忽视四面八方。From that day on the king is always quietly out of the palace, in every morning and jean will take beloved harp in every morning to a mysterious place.从那天开始国王总会在每天清晨悄悄出宫,而琴也会在每天清晨带上心爱的竖琴去一个神秘的地方。The development of things is better than a story, harp and king of love was not blocked by the royal family. In the people and all the nobles of the piano was taken into court. When all people think that they will be like a fairy tale perfect, the darkest curse fall on them from hell.事情的发展比故事更美,琴和国王的爱情竟然没有遭皇室的阻挠。在人民和所有王公贵族的祝福声中琴被接进宫廷。当所有人都认为他们会像童话一样完美时,来自地狱最黑暗的诅咒降临到他们身上。Originally very friendly neighbouring countries suddenly launched the terrible war, for the people of safety the king had to immediately go to the battlefield. On the wedding night he left his beloved girl.原本很友好的临国突然发动了可怕的战争,为了子民的安全国王不得不立刻奔赴战场。就在新婚之夜他离开了深爱的姑娘。